+359 82 819 911; kocruse@abv.bg; info@kocruse.comгр. Русеул. Независимост 2


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the old part of the building, floor 1


+359 82 819 924




Book An Appointment


Working Hours With Patients: 08.00am – 1.30 pm Phone: +359 82 819 924


The Department of Radiation Therapy at KOC Ruse conducts radiation therapy of malignant and benign tumors, as well as non-tumor diseases with indications for independent, postoperative, preoperative and combined with chemotherapy radiation therapy. Each radiotherapy observes the principles of good medical practice and the relevant Standards for radiotherapy, confirmed by the Guild of Bulgarian Radiotherapists (HLB). All insured patients are treated in clinical pathways № 246; № 248; № 249; № 250.1; № 250.2; № 251.1; № 251.2; № 252.1

The ward has a total of 48 beds, of which 35 stationary and 13 for stays up to 12 hours.

Medical team:

  • Dr. Biliana Korabova – specialist in radiotherapy
Dr. Biliana Korabova – specialist in radiotherapy

Education and training:


Training for work with planning systems and hospital information system: Focal, Oncentra, Mosaiq and clinical operation of medical linear accelerator Elekta Synergy
University Hospital, Mannheim, Germany, IMRT / VMAT / Mosaiq Clinical Applications Course
Moscow, Russia, International Seminar on Clinical Applications of IMRT / VMAT


REC, Sofia – completed the course “Working with Terabalt 80 ASC, planning system Plan W and X-ray simulator”
UJP – Zbroslav, Prague, Pilsen – Czech Republic – completed the course “Working with Terabalt 80 ASC”
Balkan School of Oncology, Volos, Greece, Conference on “Immunotherapy and Gene Therapy in Oncology”

2008 UMHAT “Queen Joanna – ISUL”, Sofia – acquired specialty “Radiotherapy”

2002 – 2007 MDOZS – Shumen EOOD, Radiology Department – specialization in “Radiotherapy”

2002 – UMHAT “Queen Joanna – ISUL”, Sofia – completed a basic course in “Radiotherapy”

1999 – UMHAT “Queen Joanna – ISUL”, Sofia – completed the course “Abdominal ultrasound”

1991 – 1997

Medical University “Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov ”, Varna

Master doctor

Work experience:

1999 – Resident doctor in the Department of Radiation Therapy, COC-Ruse EOOD

1998 – 1999 – Third Polyclinic, Ruse, Resident Physician, District Therapist

  • Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova – radiotherapy specialist
Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova – radiotherapy specialist

Education and training:

2016 – SBALOZ Sofia EOOD, acquired specialty “Radiotherapy”

2015 Training for work with planning systems and hospital information system: Focal, Oncentra, Mosaiq and clinical operation of medical linear accelerator Elekta Synergy

2012 – 2016 SBALOZ Sofia EOOD, Radiology Department – specialization in “Radiotherapy”

2012 – UMHAT “Queen Joanna – ISUL”, Sofia – completed the basic course in “Radiotherapy”

1988 – 1994

Medical University of Pleven

Master doctor

Work experience:

2011 until now – Resident doctor in the Department of Radiation Therapy of COC-Ruse EOOD

2003 – 2011 – Berlin – Chemie, Menarini Group, Medical Representative in the field of pharmacy

1998 – 2003 – Libya, Africa, Al Afia Hospital, Pediatrics and Neonatology, Resident Physician

1996 – 1998 – Psychiatric Hospital, Byala, resident doctor

The team of medical physicists

Kremena Petrova – a specialist in medical physics;

Zdravko Yankov – a specialist in medical physics,

Dimka Nikolaeva – medical physicist;

Engineer – Vladimir Banchev

A 6-member team of radiotherapy X-ray technicians with senior laboratory assistant Deyan Totev.

Eight-member team of nurses + one nurse for the Radiotherapy Cabinet №24 in the Radiotherapy Department with a senior nurse Veselina Raycheva.

Radiation therapy activity

  • Следоперативно лъчелечение
Следоперативно лъчелечение

It is performed for malignant tumors of the breast, gynecological tumors/carcinomas of the cervix, body of the uterus, vagina and vulva /, rectum, bladder, kidney, renal pelvis and ureter, tumors of the head and neck/brain, naso-meso, and hypopharynx, larynx, oral cavity and gums, nasal cavity and sinuses /, skin, testicular tumors/seminoma/, superficial and deep sarcomas, pediatric solid tumors, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.

  • Postoperative radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy
Postoperative radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy

It is performed for malignant tumors of the breast together with targeted therapy, gynecological tumors/carcinomas of the cervix, body of the uterus, rectum, bladder, renal pelvis and ureter, tumors of the head and neck/brain, meso and hypopharynx, larynx, oral cavity, gums, nasal cavity and sinuses.

  • Preoperative radiotherapy
Preoperative radiotherapy

It is performed in locally advanced carcinomas of the rectum and gynecological carcinomas / of the cervix and uterine body / in adult patients who due to concomitant diseases are not subject to radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy.

  • Combined with chemotherapy preoperative radiotherapy
Combined with chemotherapy preoperative radiotherapy

Extremely effective combination treatment, which is used in locally advanced carcinomas of the rectum and gynecological carcinomas / of the cervix and uterine body. The treatment results are much better compared to the operation performed, followed by radiotherapy. A common fact is the lack of tumor cells in the surgical material in carcinomas of the rectum and cervix after preoperative combined chemo-radiotherapy.

  • Self-radiotherapy

It is used with organ-preserving functional effect in initial laryngeal carcinomas of the vocal cords, in skin carcinomas, for palliative purposes in patients with distant metastases for analgesia, decompressive (in metastases with compression of the spinal cord with the risk of paralysis), or in mediastinal syndrome. of Vena Kava /, hemostatic and for tumor reduction / esophageal carcinomas. With analgesic and anti-inflammatory purposes with low radiation doses are successfully treated joint-degenerative diseases such as gonarthrosis, periarthritis humeroscapularis/inflammation in the shoulder /, exostoses/thorns / in the heel, foot, palm, bone panaritium of Dupuytren.

  • Independently combined with chemotherapy radiotherapy
Independently combined with chemotherapy radiotherapy

It is mainly used for locally advanced tumors in ENT tumors / in the area of the oral cavity, larynx, nasopharynx, meso and hypopharynx. In the case of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinomas, previously combined radiotherapy requires surgical tracheostomy and cannulation. It is effective in advanced inoperable carcinomas of the rectum, gynecological tumors/cervix, and uterine body /, carcinomas of the urinary tract.

Head of department, tel: +359 82 819 965

Doctors: tel: +359 82 819 924

Senior med. nurse – Teodora Chervenkova

Med. nurses: +359 82 819 929

X-ray technicians: +359 82 819 926

Dosimetric and radiometric control of radiotherapy equipment

The team of medical physicists performs dosimetric planning of radiotherapy and verification of the radiotherapy plan; develops and implements new high-tech radiotherapy techniques.

Research activity

Research activity on current national and international scientific topics in cooperation with the other therapeutic and diagnostic departments of COC – Ruse, NOC – Sofia, MU – Sofia, MU – Pleven. Active participation in the meetings of the Guild of Bulgarian Radiotherapists.

Development of joint articles with the Oncotherapy Department and the Department of Clinical Pathology at KOC-Ruse, published in Bulgaria (Journal of the Bulgarian Oncology Society and Radiology / Radiology) and abroad (Current Cancer Reports; Austin Journal of Medical Oncology; Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research; Trends in Medicine; Global Imaging Insights; Japan Journal of Research; Journal of Medical- Clinical Research & Reviews; SAJ Cancer Science; SAJ Cancer Reports; International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports; Medical & Clinical Research, Can J Biomed Res & Tech).

  • Articles and publications in Bulgaria
Articles and publications in Bulgaria

Малигнен смесен мюлеров тумор на маточната шийка – рядък клиничен случай с дискусия – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Дефинитивно лъчелъчение при гигантоклетъчен сакрален тумор – клиничен случай с литературен разбор – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Патохистологична диагноза и оптимално лечение при дедиференциран паратестикуларен липосарком – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Патохистологична и имунохистохимична диагностика на епително-миоепителен карцином на субмандибуларна слюнчена жлеза – рядък клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Оптимално комплексно лечение при високорисков неметастатичен медулобластом в зряла възраст – клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Рентгенология & Радиология, 2020, LIX

Патохистологична и имунохистохимична диагностика при екстраплеврален солитарен фиброзен тумор – рядък клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Рентгенология & Радиология 2020, LIX

Патохистологично и имунохистохимично изследване при метастаза в тънко черво като изява на инвазивен лобунарен карцином – клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Лимфоепителиома – подобен карцином на гърда – патохистологичен и имунохистохимичен анализ – диференциална диагноза, прогноза и комплексно лечение – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2019

Оптимално лъчелъчение при солитарен интракраниален плазмоцитом – клиничен случай с два локални рецидива – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2020

Първичен мамарен ангиосарком – клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2020

Патохистологична и имунохистохимична диагностика при рядък гигантоклетъчен възпалителен подтип на добре диференциран паратестикуларен липосарком – клиничен случай с литературен обзор – Списание на българското онкологично дружество, 04/2020

  • Articles and publications abroad
Articles and publications abroad

Pathohistological and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Primary Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma with Signet-Ring Cell Differentiation- Differential Diagnosis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment – Medical & Clinical Research 2021; Vol.7(3): 439-444

Radiotherapy after Breast-Preserving Surgery for Early
Breast Cancer-Basic Principles and Our Experience
– Austin Journal of Medical Oncology 2021; Vol. 8 (1)

Primary angiosarcoma of the breast: A clinical case and review of the literature – Curr Cancer Rep, 2020, 1(2): 28-33

Re- Craniospinal Radiation Therapy of Subependimal Periventricular and Leptomeningeal Metastases in Adult Medulloblastoma- Clinical Case with Literature Overview SAJ Case Report 2020– ScholArena | www.scholarena.com – Volume 6 | Issue 4

Pathohistological and Immunohistochemical Diagnosis in a Rare Giant Cell Inflammatory Subtype of Well-Differentiated Paratesticular Liposarcoma – Clinical Case with Literature Review – Austin J Med Oncol 2020 – Volume 7 Issue 1 – 2020

Apocrine Breast Carcinoma – Pathohistological And Immunohistochemical Analysis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment – Med Clin Res, 2021 – Volume 6 | Issue 02

Pathohistological Diagnosis, Immunohistochemical Analysis and Optimal Complex Treatment in Primary Ovarian Leiomyosarcoma – Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 2020 | Volume 32- Issue 2

COVID 19: Clinical characteristics in cancer patients and chest X-ray findings – Trends Med, 2020 | Volume 20: 1-8

Importance of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnostics and complex treatment in patients with Leptomeningial Disease- Six clinical cases with a literature overview – Glob Imaging Insights, 2020 | Volume 5: 1-11

Hypothesis on the distant spread of HER2-positive breast cancer brain metastasis via the human brain glymphatic system – Clinical and imaging data – Glob Imaging Insights, 2020 | Volume 5: 1-8

Pathohistological and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Locally Advanced Papillary Serous Endometrial Carcinoma – Differential Diagnosis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment – International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports, 2020 | Volume 6, Issue 3

Clinical observations in three clinical cases with locally advanced chordomas. What is needed for early diagnosis with improved survival? – Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports, 2020 | Open Access, Volume 11

Teratoma with malignant transformation in Neuroendocrine Carcinoma-pathohistological and immunohistochemical analyses – Japan Journal of Research, 2020 | Vol 1, Issue 2

Comparative dosimetric analysis of the left breast carcinoma radiotherapy irradiation techniques with deep inspiration breathing and free breathing – Japan Journal of Research, 2020 | Vol 1, Issue 2

Combined with Targeted Therapy Intensively Modulated Radiotherapy for Inoperable Giant Cell Sacral Tumor – Three – Year Follow-up of a Rare Borderline Tumor with Literature Review – Medical & Clinical Research, 2020 | Vol 5, Issue 10

Analysis of The Application in Oncological Practice of New, Non-Invasive Rna Markers in Non-Squamous Cell Lung Carcinoma – Dissertation Project with Literature Review – Journal of Medical – Clinical Research & Reviews, 2020 | Vol 4, Issue 10

Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy Craniospinal Re-Irradiation of Adulthood Medulloblastoma Leptomeningeal Disease – Journal of Medical – Journal of Medical – Clinical Research & Reviews, 2021 | Vol 5, Issue 2

Radiotherapy equipment and applied radiotherapy techniques

Under the Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, after a license from the NRA Series I-81069 with registration number 04436 / 19.06.2014, in KOC-Ruse EOOD was introduced in the operation of a new radiotherapy complex, equipped with high-tech radiotherapy and dosimetric equipment, including a linear accelerator “Electa Synergy Platform” with a virtual computer tomograph “Siemens” for planning radiotherapy. The linear accelerator has the ability to apply all high-tech radiotherapy techniques such as 3D conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), intensive modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), IMRT by the method of Volumetric Modulated Arch Therapy (VMAT), radiosurgery and hypofractional coronary radiotherapy. The department has a device for telegamma therapy (Terabalt) with capabilities for 3D planning of radiotherapy, as well as a device for superficial X-ray therapy of skin tumors and superficial benign and malignant tumors.

  • Conditions for working with patients on the linear accelerator in COC-Ruse
Conditions for working with patients on the linear accelerator in COC-Ruse
  1. Patients with an assessment of radiotherapy or combined radiochemical treatment by oncology committees throughout the country, who chose to be treated in the Department of Radiotherapy at COC – Ruse.

These patients are consulted every working day in the Admissions Office № 24 from 8.00 am to 2.30 pm with the available documentation from another medical institution in the country. After the consultation, at the assessment of radiotherapy, the respective patient is assigned a day and time to appear for radiotherapy in order to prepare for radiotherapy / performing localized CT /. The patient is recorded on the waiting list. If preliminary preparation is needed for the planning of the radiotherapy, it is explained in detail by the nurse in the office.

  1. The same way of consultation applies to patients who have passed to internal or external oncology committees at COC-Ruse.

  • Established path for radiotherapy of a patient with malignant disease in Bulgaria
Established path for radiotherapy of a patient with malignant disease in Bulgaria
  • Diagnosis by a doctor in a specialized outpatient clinic or health facility after a biopsy (tissue sample from the tumor) or after surgery.
  • The Oncology Commission examines each oncology clinical case and issues a protocol from the OC with дата and date indicating the necessary complex treatment (surgical, chemotherapeutic, radiotherapy, alone or in combination with chemotherapy), as well as the necessary sequence of different treatment methods, directly depending on the stage of the disease and the patient’s condition.
  • In case of need for a more specific radiotherapeutic method/brachytherapy / or at the patient’s request, the oncology commission refers the patient to the respective medical institution.
  • If dispensary observation is necessary, the patient is referred to the respective polyclinic office in which it should be performed.

  • Preparation for radiotherapy
Preparation for radiotherapy

During the consultation in the polyclinic room №24 the respective radiotherapist will review the medical documentation and the performed imaging examinations (CT, MRI, PET / CT, etc.), will perform a medical examination, if necessary will appoint additional tests, and will assess the possibilities. for radiotherapy (LL), its scheme and dose fractionation. You will be told about the potential risks and benefits of treatment. With your consent for LL, you will be given a date for hospital/inpatient or day hospital/admission and what are the necessary documents that you must carry.

Upon admission to the LL Department, the nurse in к24 will provide you with a series of documents for informed consent. Signing them means that you agree to conduct LL in the relevant clinic and by the relevant staff. A medical history (IL) will be drawn up, which contains important medical information about you and your illness. After the stationary/stay or day stationary/admission, the preparation of the radiotherapy plan is started. For this purpose, it is necessary to perform computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To accurately center the radiotherapy during the scan on the patient’s skin, markers are outlined that must be preserved throughout the LL period. In LL of tumors in the area of ​​the head and neck, thermoplastic masks are prepared, which are attached to the mass of the scanner and the accelerator, with the help of a special pad for positioning the patient; they are placed while they are slightly warm and elastic, and after they harden they hold the head, neck and shoulder girdle motionless during the radiotherapy. After the localization CT scan, the radiotherapist outlines the normal organs and tissues with the respective radiotherapy volumes, determines the scheme of radiotherapy with the daily and total radiation dose, as well as the number of radiation fractions. In the second stage, dosimetric planning begins with medical physicists, which determines the direction of the beam, the distribution of the radiation dose in the radiotherapy volumes, and in the nearby normal tissues and organs, which are strictly protected by protection built into the head of the device.

  • Radiotherapy standards approved by GBL and published in the state newspaper
Radiotherapy standards approved by GBL and published in the state newspaper
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на млечната жлеза– Л. Маринова, В. Първанова. Т. Хаджиева.
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на маточната шийка– Е. Петкова, Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на ендометриума– Е. Петкова, Л. Гочева, Т. Хаджиевa.
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на ларинкса– Р. Габровски, Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на щитовидна жлеза– Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на мозъчни тумори– М. Янева; под ред. на Т. Хаджиева.
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на ректума– В. Кленова, Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на семином на тестиса– Н. Билдирев под ред. на Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за ЛЛ на рак на белия дроб– В. Василева, Т. Хаджиева –
  • Нациионални стандарти за ЛЛ при карцином на назо-, оро- и хипофаринкса– З. Захариев, Т. Хаджиева
  • Национални стандарти за лъчелечение на неонкологични заболявания– Т. Хаджиева
  • Национален стандарт за краниална и екстракраниална радиохирургия- Е. Енчева, З. Захареиев, И. Михайлова, Ил. Колева и други

Complex Oncological Center Ruse Pltd.

Complex Oncological Center Ruse Pltd.

In a case of emergency please call us or come in our center.

+359 82 819 911

Phone: +359 82 819 911

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