floor 3, rooms #319 and #320
Find the specialist’s phones below.
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The Medical oncology rooms determine and monitor the drug therapy of patients with malignancies (with cytostatics, hormones, immunomodulators).
The admission at the stationary is being scheduled and documents are prepared. Also, diagnostic of primary tumors and metastasis are performed.
The units performs dispensary monitoring of patients with malignant neoplasms of the respiratory system, дихателната система, nervous system and the secondary diseases.
Dr. Ivanov has acquired major in Internal diseases and Oncology.
Dr. Yordanov е с acquired major in Internal diseases and Oncology.
In a case of emergency please call us or come in our center.
Complex Oncological Center – Ruse Pltd.| 2019 All rights reserved © WebDesign by VVM Design
Комплексен Онкологичен Център Русе ЕООД | 2019 Всички права запазени© WebDesign by VVM Design