+359 82 819 911; kocruse@abv.bg; info@kocruse.comгр. Русеул. Независимост 2

Pain Room


floor 1, room #101


+359 82 819 945




Book An Appointment


Working Hours With Patients: 08.00am – 1.30 pm
Phone: +359 82 819 945

The correct and individual determined anesthesia in oncology make the quality of life better. One of the most important problems for the patients with oncological diseases is the fight with the pain. It is may be the key factor that creates the view for the oncological disease as “severe” and „incurable”. The proper anesthesia gives opportunity for the patient to mobilize his mental and body resources and to participate responsibly and actively in the treatment process.

The first and most important step towards the effective and individual treatment is the correct and regular self estimate by the patient himself and reported to his attending physician for intensity and character, as well as effectiveness of the treatment.

The drug treatment of the oncological pain is performed according to the analgetic stairway of  WHO, depending on its intensity.

Performed activities:

  • Estimation and appointment of anesthetic therapy

  • Appointment of sympthomatic treatment

  • Follow-up of the therapeutic effect of the appointed therapy

nurse: Mariana Markova

Complex Oncological Center Ruse Pltd.

Complex Oncological Center Ruse Pltd.

In a case of emergency please call us or come in our center.

+359 82 819 911

Phone: +359 82 819 911

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